Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I don't believe?

Last night I had my first non-believer come through the line to visit Santa. His name was Ian and the matching sweater vest he wore with his little brother told me that he was here under duress, but willing to endure the charade to keep mom and dad happy. Ian might have been a skeptic, but he was a stand-up guy.

As he and I had a friendly debate on the truth of Santa Claus it started to snow. "See, now it's snowing! Tell me this isn't magical!" With eyes wide he searched for the answers...leading to a conversation about snow machines, painted cotton, etc., that concluded in Ian questioning his doubter status.

See, even if there is a logical explanation for things, it doesn't make it any less magical.

That same day, Santa was visited by a family for whom, 10 years ago, had seen their own Christmas miracle. The little girl in the family, who is now 16, had crawled up on Santa's lap and made an unusual request. Her new baby brother, just three days old, was in the hospital and doctors weren't sure if he was going to make it. This six year old girl wasn't asking for a Barbie or a pony; she was asking Santa to heal her little brother. Deeply moved, Santa called over the mother and with, I'm sure, some breach in mall protocol, said a prayer of healing right there in the mall.

10 years later the little boy is right in front of me, alive and well, with parents who believe in Christmas miracles

Is there a logical explanation? A medical reason why we were witnessing this reunion? Probably. But I can tell you from being a wittiness that day, it doesn't make it any less magical.

Sometimes you get to the end of your day and wonder what all the work was for. Last night I got home spent, lonely, and with more questions than answers. But I would be wrong to see the questions and not believe. Not after seeing what I've been able to see in my life.

Sometimes a man lays himself down and belief is all he has.

There is much more work to do. I'm on my way in to Santaland again. I'm a purveyor of magic. Most believe I sell photos and frames.

All of us who work today will tell you the same thing...we sell faith.


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